Wednesday 2 February 2011

Mine for tea?

Granny Chic
so granny chic is it a new thing? Personally i think not, it seems to of been circulating for years but has just hit the celebrities which of course makes it new to the press. I even remember talking to my mum about how in her teens she would rummage through charity shops for long skirts flat shoes and large cardigans for the granny look.  Yes this may of been due to the expense of clothing and the need to shop in charity shops but that doesn't deny there was fashion in mind. New or old it's great. i personally love it and why wouldn't you seeing pretty tea dresses everywhere knowing that the wearer feels incredibly feminine. Of course girls would feel great, going back to young girls at children's party's, we all loved dancing in our flowery dresses. There is something quite lovely about it all. The roles of a woman may of changed but but we still all love baking cakes and drinking tea. Its not just about the clothes we want the tea pots to! 

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